This course is designed for nurses working in Western Cape Primary Health Care facilities. It is a competency skills development course which contributes to the application for authorisation for PrEP prescribing.

About the course

Course Design:
Self-directed online component and supervised consultation logbook. 

It will take 4 hours to complete the online component.

Eligibility for this course: 

  • Professional nurses registered with SANC
  • Working in Western Cape  

Participants need 75% pass mark for final quiz.

January 2024

Course curriculum

The following topics are covered in this course:

  • Chapter 1: Introduction
    • The definition of PrEP, and how it differs from ART and PEP
    • How to identify people who will benefit from PrEP and offer HIV prevention interventions
    • How to screen for PrEP
    • The eligibility criteria and contraindications for PrEP
    • The Minimum Package of Services offered
  • Chapter 2: PrEP Routine Care
    • Assess, advise and treat the client on, or starting PrEP
    • Manage the client stopping PrEP
    • Manage the client who tests positive for HIV while on PrEP
  • Case 1: Tony
    • PrEP routine care, adherence
  • Chapter 3: PrEP in pregnant and breastfeeding women
    • Why pregnant and breastfeeding women are at higher HIV risk
    • PrEP as part of Vertical Transmission Prevention (VTP)
    • The differences in PrEP monitoring for pregnant women
    • The importance of integrating visits
  • Case 2: Nomsa
    • Initiating PrEP in pregnancy
  • Chapter 4: Prescribing, monitoring and evaluation
    • Rational prescribing
    • The importance of completing stationery for monitoring and evaluation

This course was developed by the Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU) of the University of Cape Town and The Health Foundation South Africa (THF).