This course is for CNPs and doctors working in WC primary health care facilities. 

It covers theory and routine care to support the provision of quality care to adult clients with cardiometabolic conditions.

About the course

Course Design:
Self-directed online.

It will take approximately 8-10 hours to complete.

Eligibility for this course: 

  • CNPs registered with SANC or medical officers/doctors registered with HPCSA.
  • Working in Primary Health Care in the Western Cape. 

Participants need 70% pass mark for final quiz in order to receive a certificate.

7 general CEU's on Level 1,  according to the HPCSA’s  guidelines .

August 2024.

Course curriculum

The following topics are covered in this course:

1. Introduction 

  • Non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
    1. What are NCDs?
    2. Epidemiology
    3. Risk factors
    4. Preventing NCDs
      • Levels of prevention
      • National strategic plan
      • Health promotion
  • Cardiometabolic conditions
    1. What are cardiometabolic conditions?
    2. Epidemiology


2. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk

  • What are cardiovascular diseases?
  • Epidemiology of CVD
  • Cardiovascular disease risk:
    1. Definitions
    2. Diagnosis and risk calculation
    3. Routine care
      • Assess, advise and treat according to PACK
      • When to refer
    4. Indications for lipid lowering medication


3. Primary hypertension

Part 1: Hypertension introduction

  • What is hypertension?
  • Epidemiology of hypertension
  • Risk factors for hypertension
  • Clinical presentation
  • BP measurement
  • Diagnosis criteria

Part 2: Hypertension routine care

  • Assess
    1. History
    2. Examination
    3. Investigations
  • Advise
  • Treat
    1. General management
    2. The stepwise treatment approach
    3. When to review/refer

4. Diabetes

Part 1: Diabetes introduction

  • What is diabetes mellitus?
  • Epidemiology of diabetes mellitus
  • Risk factors for diabetes mellitus
  • Clinical presentation
  • Assessing and managing glucose
  • Diagnosis criteria

Part 2: Diabetes type 2 routine care

  • Assess
    1. History
    2. Examination
    3. Investigations
  • Advise
  • Treat
    1. General management
    2. The stepwise treatment approach
    3. When to review/refer

Part 3: Diabetes type 1 routine care

  • Assess
  • Advise
  • Treat

5. Ischaemic heart disease (IHD)

  • Basics of IHD
    1. Definitions
    2. Epidemiology
    3. Risk factors
  • IHD diagnosis
    1. Clinical presentation
    2. Initial assessment
  • ACS emergency management (brief)
  • Disease progression
  • IHD routine care
    1. Assess, advise and treat according to PACK
  • When to review/refer
  • Complications


6. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)

  • Basics of PAD
    1. Definitions
    2. Epidemiology
    3. Risk factors
  • PAD diagnosis
    1. Clinical presentation, ABI
  • Emergency management (brief)
  • Disease progression
  • PAD routine care
    1. Assess, advise and treat according to PACK
  • When to review/refer
  • Complications


7. Stroke and TIA

  • Basics of stroke and TIA
    1. Definitions
    2. Epidemiology
    3. Risk factors
  • Diagnosis
    1. Clinical presentation
  • Emergency management (brief)
  • Disease progression
  • PAD routine care
    1. Assess, advise and treat according to PACK
  • When to review/refer
  • Complications


8. Heart failure

  • The basics of heart failure
    1. Definitions
    2. Brief explanation of causes
  • Diagnosis
    1. Clinical presentation
    2. NYHA classification
  • Emergency management
  • Routine care
    1. Assess, advise and treat according to PACK


This course was developed by the Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU) of the University of Cape Town and The Health Foundation South Africa (THF).