Eligibility for this course:

  • Professional Nurse or Medical Officer/Doctor

  • Registered with SANC or HPCSA

  • Work in Western Cape

If you meet the eligibility apply to start:

Your supervisor and mentor details are required

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome and overview

    2. Evolving health policies and clinical protocols

    3. Download PACK Adult Western Cape 2021

    4. Download BANC Plus Stationery

    5. Download BANC Plus Resources

    6. Pre-training evaluation

    1. BANC Plus Background

    1. Diagnosing pregnancy

    1. The First Antenatal Visit: Part 1

    2. The First Antenatal Visit: Part 2

    3. The First Antenatal Visit: Part 3

    1. Monitoring Fetal Growth: Part 1

    2. Monitoring Fetal Growth: Part 2

    1. Routine Antenatal Care

About this course

  • 32 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content
  • Enrolment based on eligibility

This course was developed by the Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU) of the University of Cape Town and The Health Foundation South Africa (THF).