This course explores new vaccine introductions, surveillance, and safety in South Africa's EPI program. Learn about TdaP, RCV, PCV10, and effective vaccine campaign strategies through RCCE. It includes an AEFI overview and case reporting.

About the course

Course Design:

It will take 4 hours to complete. 

Eligibility for this course: 

  • The following professionals
    • Nursing Professionals
    • Pharmacy Professionals
    • Medical Professionals
    • Trainers, Lecturers, Programme Coordinators, Information Management Officers
  • Must be registered with the relevant professional council (SANC, HPCSA, SACSSP etc)
  • Working in Western Cape


4 general CEU's on Level 1,  according to the HPCSA’s guidelines .

Participants need 75% pass mark for final quiz.

March 2024

Course curriculum

This course covers the following content:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction of new vaccines  - overview 
    • Background
    • Introduction of TdaP
      • Background
      • NAGI recommendations
      • Implementation
    • Introduction of Rubella containing vaccine (RCV)
      • Background
      • NAGI recommendations
      • Implementation
    • Switch from PCV13 to PCV10
    • Revised EPI routine and catch-up schedules
    • Implementation process
  • Lesson 2: Vaccine Preventable Disease Surveillance
    • Diseases Surveillance
    • AFP surveillance
    • Suspected Measles and Rubella
    • Neonatal Tetanus
    • Adverse Events Following Immunization
    • Bottlenecks and challenges
  • Lesson 3: Rubella-Containing Vaccine introduction in the EPI Schedule, South Africa 
    • Background
    • Public Health rationale
    • Vaccine presentation and logistics
    • Updated immunisation schedule
    • MR vaccine administration
    • Vaccine safety surveillance
    • Data management
  • Lesson 4: Tetanus, reduced-strength diphtheria and acellular pertussis (Tdap)
    • Disease description, clinical presentation and burden
    • Vaccines: Tdap
    • Immunisation schedule & transition
    • Immunisation practices including AEFI
    • Data management
  • Lesson 5: Switching from PCV13 to PCV10 
    • Background and Public Health rationale (including surveillance)
    • New vaccine characteristics
    • Updated immunisation schedule
    • PCV10 administration
    • Data management
  • Lesson 6: Expanded Program on Immunisation in South Africa (EPI-SA)
    • Introduction to new vaccine data elements
    • Extended definitions, Use and context, inclusions and exclusions
    • Replacement of data elements for Measles & Rubella (MR) and Tdap booster doses
    • Interim EPI register with new vaccines
    • Recording Hepatitis B birth dose in Road to Health booklet
  • Lesson 7: Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) or Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilisation (ACSM)
    • Importance of RCCE in vaccine campaigns
    • Overview of ACSM strategies for effective vaccine promotion
    • Key components for planning and managing ACSM/RCCE activities/li>
    • Strategies for advocacy and social mobilisation
    • Critical role of ACSM/RCCE Team Lead in guiding campaign communication efforts 
  • Lesson 8: Vaccine Safety Surveillance
    • Introduction to AEFI, including classification and investigation of symptoms and diseases
    • Roles and responsibilities in vaccine safety surveillance involving healthcare workers, the NDOH, SAHPRA and WHO.
    • Cycle of vaccine safety surveillance in South Africa, emphasizing the importance of case reporting, investigation and causality assessment.
    • Challenges in reporting quality, standardizing investigations, and maintaining vaccine confidence through effective communication strategies.
    • Steps in AEFI investigation and causality assessment classification to ensure vaccine safety and public trust.