This course covers the Expanded Programme on Immunisations (EPI) for Health Care Workers in the Western Cape Department of Health. It is a refresher course aimed at providers already authorised to give immunisations.

About the course

Course Design:

It will take you 3 hours to complete. 

Eligibility for this course: 

  • Professional nurses (general and specialty, including CNPs and midwives)
  • Enrolled nurses 
  • Medical officers

Participants need to engage with all content.

October 2023

Course curriculum

The following content is covered in this course:

Chapter 1: Routine EPI Schedule 

  • The routine immunisation schedule and general information on each vaccine

Chapter 2: Catch-up schedule and immunisation in special circumstances

  • BCG; Rotavirus; DTaP-IPV-Hib-HBV; PCV; Measles vaccine; Td vaccine  
  • The catch-up schedule for routine immunisations
  • Immunisations in special circumstances

Chapter 3: Notifiable Medical Conditions

  • Why it is important to notify
  • Who should notify
  • When and how to notify
  • Modes of transmission, clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of NMCs preventable by vaccines in the EPI schedule
    • Tuberculosis
    • Poliomyelitis
    • Diphtheria
    • Tetanus
    • Pertussis
    • Haemophilus influenza type B
    • Hepatitis B
    • Measles

Chapter 4: Cold chain management

  • Vaccine movement between facilities
  • Cold storage options
  • Temperature monitoring
  • Cold chain emergency back-up plans

Chapter 5: Preparing for an immunisation session

  • How to set up an immunisation room
    • Emergency kit
    • Routine equipment 
  • Infection prevention and control
    • Hand hygiene
    • Personal protective equipment
    • Prevention and management of needlestick injuries

Chapter 6: The immunisation consultation

  • PACK Child 2023
  • Birth-to-two wheel
  • How you can use them together to see what needs to be checked routinely at each immunisation session
  • What must be shared with the carer in order to obtain informed consent for immunisation,
  • Needle safety practices,
  • How to manage a sharps injury.
  • Vaccine administration:
    • Reconstitution of powdered vaccines,
    • Measuring the correct dose,
    • Administration techniques for IM, subcutaneous, ID and oral vaccines
  • Follow-up instructions

Chapter 7: Post-immunisation

  • Routine post-immunisation observation
  • Mild and minor reactions
  • Serious adverse events
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Fainting
  • How to report adverse events
    • Adverse Event of Special Interest (AESI) form
    • Adverse Event Following Immunisation (AEFI) form
  • Other reporting platforms

Chapter 8: Documentation of immunisations

  • Recording the vaccine in the Road To Health Booklet and on the child integrated clinical stationary
  • The immunisation tally sheet
  • Capturing electronic dataChapter 9: Immunisations for adults
  • Immunisations recommended for adults in special populations: influenza, COVID, tetanus and rabies
  • Immunisations recommended for healthcare workers

Chapter 9: Immunisations for adults

  • Immunisations recommended for adults in special populations: influenza, COVID, tetanus and rabies
  • Immunisations recommended for healthcare workers

This course was developed by the Knowledge Translation Unit (KTU) of the University of Cape Town and The Health Foundation South Africa (THF).