This course covers foundational concepts in rational ordering and interpretation of chest x-rays, aimed at primary healthcare clinicians.
About the course
Course Design:
It will take no more than 3 hours to complete.
Eligibility for this course:
- The following professionals
- Primary care nurse specialists
- Physiotherapists
- Doctors
- Must be registered with the relevant professional council (SANC, HPCSA etc)
- Working in Western Cape
Participants need 70% pass mark for final quiz in order to receive a certificate.
3 general CEUs on Level 1, according to HPCSA guidelines.
October 2024
Course curriculum
The following content is covered in this course:
1. Introduction
- Principles of radiography and radiation safety
- Technical aspects of chest x-ray images
- Overview of thoracic anatomy
2. Ordering chest x-rays
- Indications for chest x-rays
- Completion of the x-ray request form
- Rational follow-up planning
3. Interpreting chest x-rays
- Systematic approach to interpretation
- Radiographic terminology for describing abnormal findings
4. Lung infections
- Recognition of common patterns in pneumonia and tuberculosis
5. Other common conditions
- Recognition of common patterns in heart failure and trauma
- Recognition of lung masses, nodules and atelectasis
6. Case demonstrations
- Discussions in fictional example cases